Source code for IoTPy.code.agents.sink

import sys
import os
# sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("../"))

from ..agent import Agent, InList
from import Stream, StreamArray
from import _no_value, _multivalue, _close
from ..helper_functions.check_agent_parameter_types import *
from ..helper_functions.recent_values import recent_values

[docs]def element_sink_agent(func, in_stream, state=None, call_streams=None, name=None, *args, **kwargs): """ This agent applies func to its single input stream. It has no output streams. Parameters ---------- func: function function from an element of the in_stream and args and kwargs to None (no return). in_stream: Stream The single input stream of this agent state: object The state of the agent call_streams: list of Stream The list of call_streams. A new value in any stream in this list causes a state transition of this agent. name: Str Name of the agent created by this function. Returns ------- Agent. The agent created by this function. """ check_sink_agent_arguments(func, in_stream, call_streams, name) check_num_args_in_func(state, name, func, args, kwargs) # The transition function for this agent. def transition(in_lists, state): num_in_streams = 1 check_in_lists_type(name, in_lists, num_in_streams) in_list = in_lists[0] input_list = in_list.list[in_list.start:in_list.stop] # If the new input data is empty then return an empty list for # the single output stream, and leave the state and the starting # point for the single input stream unchanged. if not input_list or len(input_list) == 0: return ([], state, [in_list.start]) if state is None: for element in input_list: func(element, *args, **kwargs) else: for element in input_list: state = func(element, state, *args, **kwargs) return ([], state, [in_list.start+len(input_list)]) # Finished transition # Create agent return Agent([in_stream], [], transition, state, call_streams, name)
[docs]def sink(function, in_stream, state=None, *args, **kwargs): element_sink_agent(function, in_stream, state, *args, **kwargs)
#----------------------------- # MULTIPROCESSING TEST. SINK TO QUEUE import multiprocessing
[docs]def element_stream_to_queue_agent(stream, queue, name=None, descriptor=None): # CHECK TYPES assert isinstance(stream, Stream) or isinstance(stream, StreamArray),\ 'Error in element_stream_to_queue_agent. stream is of type {0}. It should be a Stream or StreamArray'.\ format(type(stream)) assert isinstance(queue, multiprocessing.queues.Queue),\ 'Error in element_stream_to_queue_agent. queue is of type {0}. It should be Queue.Queue'.\ format(type(queue)) def f(v, queue): if descriptor is None: queue.put(v) else: queue.put((descriptor, v)) element_sink_agent(func=f, in_stream=stream, state=None, call_streams=None, name=name, queue=queue)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TESTS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def test_element_agents(): # Test sink # func operates on a single element of the single input stream and does # not return any value. def p(v, lst): lst.append(v) in_stream_sink = Stream('in_stream_sink') a_list = [] b_list = [] sink_agent = element_sink_agent( func=p, in_stream=in_stream_sink, name='sink_agent', lst=a_list) sink(function=p, in_stream=in_stream_sink, lst=b_list) test_list = [1, 13, 29] in_stream_sink.extend(test_list) assert a_list == test_list assert b_list == test_list # ------------------------------------ # Test sink with state # func operates on a single element of the single input stream and state. # func does not return any value. def p_s(element, state, lst, stream_name): lst.append([stream_name, state, element]) return state+1 in_stream_sink_with_state = Stream('in_stream_sink_with_state') c_list = [] sink_with_state_agent = element_sink_agent( func=p_s, in_stream=in_stream_sink_with_state, state=0, name='sink_with_state_agent', lst = c_list, stream_name ='in_stream_sink_with_state') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test sink as a function with state sink(p_s, in_stream_sink_with_state, state=0, lst=c_list, stream_name='in_stream_sink_with_state') in_stream_sink_with_state.extend(range(2)) # ------------------------------------ # Test sink with side effect # func operates on a single element of the single input stream and state. # func does not return any value. def sink_with_side_effect_func(element, side_effect_list, f): side_effect_list.append(f(element)) return None side_effect_list_0 = [] side_effect_list_1 = [] def ff(element): return element*2 def fff(element): return element+10 in_stream_sink_with_side_effect = Stream('in_stream_sink_with_side_effect') sink_with_side_effect_agent_0 = element_sink_agent( func=sink_with_side_effect_func, in_stream=in_stream_sink_with_side_effect, name='sink_with_side_effect_agent_0', side_effect_list=side_effect_list_0, f=ff) sink_with_side_effect_agent_1 = element_sink_agent( func=sink_with_side_effect_func, in_stream=in_stream_sink_with_side_effect, name='sink_with_side_effect_agent_1', side_effect_list=side_effect_list_1, f=fff) in_stream_sink_with_side_effect.extend(range(5)) assert side_effect_list_0 == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] assert side_effect_list_1 == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14] # ------------------------------------ # TEST element_stream_to_queue_agent y = Stream('y') y_extend_list = [1, 10, 15] y.extend(y_extend_list) queue = multiprocessing.Queue() element_stream_to_queue_agent(stream=y, queue=queue, name='stream_to_queue', queue_output = [] for i in range(y.stop): queue_output.append(queue.get()) assert queue_output == [('y', v) for v in recent_values(y)] return
if __name__ == '__main__': test_element_agents()